Recruiter Missed Phone Interview: What To Do

You were shortlisted for an interview. You scheduled an initial screening call with a recruiter. It’s a company that you like and you’re excited for the call. But then, the scheduled call time comes and it’s…crickets. Your recruiter missed the phone interview. You’re disappointed and not sure what it means or what you should do. […]

Missed Call From Recruiter: What to Do?

If you’re applying for jobs, there’s a good chance that you’ll get recruiters reaching out to to schedule a screening interview (in some cases, even an automated phone screening).  But what happens if you’re in a meeting at your current job, or otherwise away from your phone, and find that you have a missed call […]

Automated Phone Screening: What to Expect

Even in an increasingly automated corporate environment, something that job candidates are surprised to encounter is an automated phone screening process. Some companies are experimenting with automated phone screenings, as well as pre recorded video interviews, as ways to save on labor costs. By having an automated system for early stage screenings, companies can save […]

I Hate Business: What to Do?

For many people, working in the business world is just about the worst thing that they could imagine doing with their lives.  Some people know themselves well enough to recognize this before even entering the working world. Other people come to realize that they hate business after working in that world for many years. If […]